Supporting Students From All Backgrounds With Youth Card

Supporting Students From All Backgrounds With Youth Card

Patricia Afonso
Patricia Afonso
Jul 15th 2021

Speakers for School aims to end educational inequality by giving all young people access to the same prestigious networks available to the top fee-paying schools in the UK.

The charity is helping level the playing field for young people of all backgrounds with its various programmes including its:

  • Inspire Programme which features talks and mentorship from today's influential business figures

  • Work Experience programme which links state-school students to industry-leading companies

  • Youth Card, their free mobile app, which offers students access to discounted services/products along with work experience, courses, apprenticeships, T-Levels, volunteering, mentoring, competitions, social events or even early career jobs designed to prepare young people for life and work.

Speakers for Schools brings together today's leading figures from FTSE 100s and the arts alongside tenured professors to create a dynamic network of thousands of school talks and esteemed work experience placements – all for free. Planty is proud to be part of the Speakers For School network and Youth App, supporting these students with heavily discounted access to healthier and more sustainable meal choices.

To find out more, sign up to the programme or donate, please visit their website:

Patricia Afonso

Patricia Afonso

CMO at Planty

Patricia helps businesses, social ventures and individuals lead with greater clarity and resilience, so they can grow strategically. She's passionate about making a positive social impact and is also an EMCC-accredited Leadership Coach who helps people get more out of life. Food, nature and community keep her energized.

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